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Lawyer Disbarred for Student Debt

As reported by The Globe and Mail, Houston-based lawyer Frank Santulli has been stripped of his licence to practice law because of his student debt. Santulli has carried US$67,000 in outstanding loans since 1998 and…

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Ontario Ombudsman

The office of Ontario Ombudsman is on Twitter and Facebook. The Ombudsman is a pretty unique independent oversight officer accountable directly to the provincial legislature. He investigates people’s complaints under the authority granted by the…

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New IP Writing Award

The Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC) and IP Osgoode are delighted to announce a new Canadian writing challenge in intellectual property law.  Submissions may be in French or in English. To help advance such…

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Flexibility, Please

Blame the current economic crisis on too much debt taken on with too little research. Nobel Prize winning economist Myron Scholes lectured at the University of Western Ontario’s Faculty of Law on March 19, packing…