German Multinational Loses Teapot Battle

Have a cuppa.

Have a cuppa.

First posted on Commercial Law International on April 3, 2009.

It is an understatement to say that the English take their tea very seriously. And it is little wonder why a small teashop in Surrey, England, even when faced with potential financial ruin, would not back down from a much larger German multinational. This is a tale about tea better yet teapots; a David and a Goliath; and lest I forget the rights to uses a logo.

Not long after the Tea Box opened, providing an up-market alternative to the run of the mill ‘main street’ coffee shop, it was faced with a legal challenge from a Duesseldorf based company. It would seem Teekanne, which happens to mean teapot in German, took exception to the hand painted teapot logo that Tea Box was using. Teekanne claimed that it was too similar to its own logo and could cause customer confusion.

What Teekanne wasn’t counting on – I guess they expected such a small time operation to be impressed by its sized and resources and cave in but this is the UK and we are talking a bout tea but I digress. What they were not counting on was that one of the UK’s leading intellectual property firms coming to the rescue of Tea Box. Withers & Rogers LLP took on the case pro bono– for my none legal people out there this means free. This is good to see, as a profession we need more of this. The words pro bono for lawyers as become all too often associated with criminal, civil rights, family or judicial review matters, please don’t read this as a dig at the lawyer who perform such work, they are doing a great community service, however, the community can also be served when commercial law firms take on such cases.

And now back to the story.

After receiving early indications from the UK Intellectual Property Office that it would likely rule in favour of Tea Box, Teekanne promptly withdrew, great for Tea Box but not so great for Teekanne. Not did it lose money from mounting this legal challenge but it also had the effect of improving the market awareness of the Tea Box brand. You could even say that for Tea Box Commercial Awareness Is Global – hahahhahah, sorry about the cheesy plug for the site but hey I am a future lawyer trying to carve out a niche for my self.