Articles by Law is Cool

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Punishment or Rehabilitation?

We’re not sure which one this is. One of The Telegraph‘s top funny pictures of the year: Evelyn Border, 56, holds up a sign outside a Pennsylvania courthouse, admitting to stealing a giftcard from a…

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Law is Cool wins a 2009 CLawBie

The Canadian Law Blog Awards, or CLawBies,  highlight great blogs  by the Canadian legal industry. This site has been fortunate enough to receive recognition from the awards in 2008 and 2007. Once again, Law is…

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Top Ten DUIs of the Decade

Check Points has the Top Ten DUIs for the Decade: * Academy Award nominee Nick Nolte was arrested in September 2002 when highway patrol pulled him over for erratic driving in Malibu. Nolte was described…

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Sponsored Post: Can You Supersize That!

The claims management market in the U.K. has seen a significant growth with an estimated fifteen hundred companies engaging in personal injury referral work. The total size of the market is approaching £300 million, which…

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Animal cruelty alleged

Humane society president denies charges Jesse McLean and Lesley Ciarula Taylor write for the Toronto Star: Charged with animal cruelty in a surprise raid, the president of the Toronto Humane Society said Friday the accusations were…