Exam-Time Limericks

There once was this druggie named Creighton
Gave his friend some coke, then ran when he started shakin’
s.7 He cried!
but he was denied
‘Reasonable Foresight’ so he was denied

There once was this old guy named woo
Came down with a terrible flu
Mercier said “Buy!”
and Allan said “Aye!”
Too bad the contract was subject-to!

There once once this man named Athey
got in a terrible car accident dear me
The doctor said stretch
damages he did fetch
and now he’s as wealthy as can be!

via David Meagher of Blah Blah Blaw Blog

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Law is Cool
This site is intended to provide a resource for those interested in law. Current law students, graduates preparing for their bar exam, and members of the general public, can all benefit from a deeper understanding of the legal framework that helps shape our society.

1 Comment on "Exam-Time Limericks"

  1. i never get these. Is it just me?

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