Lucrative careers: fare collection

An article in the Star about stealing by TTC station collectors led us to a fascinating publication: Public Sector Salary Disclosure 2009. It lists Ontario public sector employees with salaries over $100,000 per year. Look at Municipalities and Services, and then search for “Station Collector.” And we were wondering whose luxury cars were often parked on subway station grounds.

UPDATE: and check out this long list of Ontario public sector organizations with NO salaries of $100,000 or more to disclose. It includes small town hospitals, women’s shelters, mental health, disability, immigrant, aboriginal, and other social services organizations, retirement homes, hospices, sexual assault survivors centres, etc.

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Law is Cool
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3 Comments on "Lucrative careers: fare collection"

  1. This information is not new to me but everytime this topic arises I cringe…the real ‘kicker’ is that my money is helping to pay their salaries. Unfortunately no action will be taken against these overinflated and unnecessary salaries.

    How the hell a person sitting in a booth can make more than an associate professor at a university or a legal aid lawyer is beyond me. In my view, 50k in addition to the generous pension and benefits is more than sufficient for the nature and requirements of the job.

  2. Keep in mind that doctors’ salaries are not disclosed (for some reason). So there may be doctors working for small town hospitals and women’s clinics and other organizations making over $100k. All the list says is that nobody in administration of these institutions is making over $100k. Just wanted to make that clear.

  3. I would certainly hope that the doctors working in the variety of settings you mention are making
    over $100k.

    I really don’t understand your second point…

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