FBHive Can Access Your Facebook Info

Despite all the warnings about using privacy settings we’ve been hearing about, here comes a stark revelation: your Facebook account can be hacked anyways.

FBHive, a new blog all about Facebook, premiered today with a revelation that they can access certain profile information, even if the user has made it private.

Robin Wauters of TechCrunch confirmed that they were indeed able to access his private information.

FBHive claim that it has taken over 15 days for Facebook to fix they security hole.  And they promise to give their secrets on how they do it within the next few days.

Yet another reminder that no matter how secure we think online data is, there are always ways to get around it.  And for some “computer terrorists,” it will be as simple as a walk in the park.

Cross-posted from Slaw


How they did it:

Facebook Basic Information Exploit from FBHive on Vimeo.