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Technical Difficulties

Some readers are reporting difficulties with the site, so please be patient while we look into it. Update Problem seems to be resolved for now.  It appears as if it may be from high traffic…

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Back on dry land, a country is drowning

Ahmed Hussen, The Ottawa Citizen Reproduced with the permission of the author Foreign navies are not likely to be able to completely eradicate pirate attacks off the coast of Somalia — such as the audacious…

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A Miller Update

An update from a previous post. John  Miller, a journalism professor, has a new reply for Mark Steyn.  He challenges his characterization of quotes (a mistranslation of a mistranslation of an unverified quote), and asks…

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Is the Past Dead?

Part of the Middle Passage Law Series ‘It’s always about slavery. It happened sooooo long ago, why not just get over it’ or ‘I am over it?’ Get over it, you say, get over it….

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These Laws are Stupid Too

Courtesy of Annie Scott of Gadling: 1. Australia – It is illegal to roam the streets wearing black clothes, felt shoes and black shoe polish on your face as these items are the tools of…

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The New Liberal Bloc

Separatists make strange bedfellows. They take all your money, show you no respect, and when they threaten to leave they almost always mean it. In fact, the only thing worse than going to bed with…