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Bah, humbug to Tarek Fatah

Ihsaan Gardee, The Calgary Herald December 14, 2008 Reproduced with the permission While Canadians hunker down for the festive season, bombarded by incessant shopping jingles and reruns of A Christmas Carol, many are also simply…

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Spamming and Free Speech!!

In September, the Virginia Supreme Court ruled that the State law that prosecuted those involved in sending spam emails was unconstitutional and in violation of the 1st Amendment of the Constitution that guaranteed free speech….

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Broken Links

We’ve upgraded our WordPress platform again. Some of our links have been reformatted, so you may have to update them if you’re pointing to a specific post. And there are some scripting bugs for older…

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Welcoming Will McNair

Will McNair is a second-year law student at Osgoode Hall. He has a BA in History from Huron University College at UWO.  He’s been posting on How the Other Half. Will caught my eye with…