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Bloggers, Beware of Comments

According to Out-law, the English High Court has ruled that a man who did not delete an allegedly-defamatory post from his blog could not sue the poster in defamation. Christopher Carrie, the would-be litigant, established…

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Potential Career Alternative

At this time of year, as the legal community battens down the hatches against recession, and law students gaze over the desolate, frigid waste of their summer employment prospects, some might be tempted to give…

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Dalton McGuinty: Union Buster

The Ontario legislature is set to reconvene tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. to introduce legislation that will force CUPE 3903 members back to work, bringing an end to the 80-day strike at York University. Premier Dalton…

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Osgoode Jumps on the JD Bandwagon

The Osgoode Hall community received an e-mail today regarding the “JD or LLB?” debate, that had pretty much disappeared from most of our minds due to the dramatic collective action (or perhaps more fitting, inaction)…