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Should Public Television be Supporting Hate Speech?

Earlier today Warren Kinsella pointed out that Steve Paikin’s The Agenda will be having a very interesting guest on their show.  One who, without question, clearly promotes hatred for racial/ethnic minorities, the disabled, and the…

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My Brand (As a Joint Student)

Cross-posted from the Financial Post When I was an undergrad, Western law had the reputation for being the “business” law school. Indeed, Western makes an effort to distinguish itself through this brand; in fact, one…

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This Name Fails Miserably

From the Fail Blog we bring you a judge who should have changed his name well before taking his bar exams. Or at least insist on using his full first name in all introductions, especially…

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Lawyer’s Fee: $125,000 In Gift Cards

California attorney Neil B. Fineman brought a class action lawsuit against apparel store Windsor Fashions. The store had been collecting personal information from credit card purchases in violation of California’s Civil Code §1747.08(a)(2). The store…

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Osgoode Gets Down to Business

With all the negative press surrounding the York strike in recent weeks, it’s a welcome change to hear that something productive is going on at the northern Toronto university: Osgoode Hall is teaming up with…