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Law School Scam?

This is hardly an endorsement, but rather fodder for discussion. Probably produced by one of those “unsuccessful” lawyers.

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Less Popular Judicial ‘esque’s

In Czech novelist Franz Kafka’s The Trial, a man is arrested, forced to participate in a nightmarish, labyrinthine legal system administered by bureaucrats, presumed guilty, and executed without ever learning the nature of the charges…

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Lawyers against War Petition Bush’s Visit

Reproduced with permission by the author from Former President and War Criminal George W Coming to Canada, March 17 LAW says Bush should be barred from Canada or Prosecuted From Lawyers against the War:…

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Goin’ Solo – A New Way to Learn

Should law school be a professional faculty designed to produce legal technicians, or a theory-based approach designed to give students a conceptual understanding of the law? When the latter holds true, and law schools do…