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Robo Calls By: Hilary Bowser #300768347

Assignment 2 By: Hilary Bowser # 300768347 An employee for the Conservative Party in Guelph is being charged in connection to election offences. Michael Sona is being charged in connection to robo-calls that were used…

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Droning On reported by LEO TAM

In Droning On, Charlotte Sandry introduced readers to the challenges posted by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) posted to existing Canadian nautical regulations and to privacy breach issues. Canadian public is cautious about the growing use…

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Change in Immigration law and Komagata Maru Incident

By Deepika Choudhary Komagata Maru— A Japanese ship was chartered by Gurdit Singh from India to Vancouver containing 376 Indians, among whom 340 were Sikhs, 24 Muslims and 12 Hindus. The ship entered Vancouver on May 23, 1914, by crossing…

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65 Doesn’t Always Mean Retirement

By Nicole Salemi Vancouver lawyer John Michael McCormick had been working for Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP for 40 years when he turned 65 in 2010. He refused to retire at that time, claiming that by…

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Big Box Law

By: Farrah Rajan Walmart has brokered a deal with Axess Law to provide legal services in select Walmart locations. The founders of Axess Law are hoping to promote access to justice by alleviating the fear…