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Humans only

If you read Arthur C. Clarke’s 2001: A Space Odyssey or saw the film, you must know who Hal is. Good. Keep that in mind while reading this. So… South Korea “deploys robots to detect…

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Assault by Bubble Blowing

More G20 footage: This video shows a police officer at the G20 protests in Toronto threatening to arrest a protestor for blowing soap bubbles (“If one of those bubbles touches me, it’s assault”) and then…

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Being Black in Toronto

Kwame McKenzie talks to Steve Paikin last night on being black in Boston, London, and Toronto. Kwame McKenzie is a Senior Scientist within the Social Equity and Health Research section of the Centre for Addiction…

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Never Take an Unemployed Lawyer to a Spa

From Time Magazine: My mom is not a master of subtlety. So when she said, five different times, that the only thing she really wanted for her 65th birthday was to go away to a…

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Audism and the Toronto Police Service

We have all heard the stories of the Toronto Police Services denying interpreters, accusing Deaf people of “faking”, interpreting attempts to communicate as violence, misunderstanding facial expressions that are a part of our grammar as…