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Motion for Certification on York Class Action

via CNW Group: Important notice regarding the Class Action against York University TORONTO, July 21 /CNW/ – Juroviesky and Ricci LLP would like to inform all those who are interested in and/or have registered for…

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Chris Selley Slams Levant over Khadr

Chris Selley of the National Post gives Ezra Levant a pretty good thrashing over his recent op-ed over Omar Khadr: In a column published in various Sun Media papers earlier this week, Ezra Levant presented…

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No Note-taking in Court

Just when you thought the G20 couldn’t get even more ridiculous. Susan Clairmont of the Hamiton Spectator: Everyone is allowed to take notes in court. Period. But the other day a Toronto justice of the…

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Parkdale Defends G20 Protesters

Riali Johanesson, a lawyer in Parkdale, tells how she was arrested by police for being on the scene, This is the first time in my life I’ve been so afraid of the police. Parkdale is…