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Wise Advice for 1Ls

Christopher Bird, an articling student with Wise Law, offers some advice to law students who started this fall: 1.) Distinguish yourself. 2.) Your marks are important. 3.) Don’t assume it’s the end of the world…

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More Collaboration Between NCRs

One of the upsides from the fallout of the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque” is that there is a clear acknowledgment that Islamophobia likely ranks the highest out of any form of discrimination. This has likely…

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A Two-Year Law Career

The Globe has a story of Chris Graham, a Canadian who ended up on Wall Street doing corporate law, and then quit the law – at the age of 26. Even more mind-boggling is that…

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What Does Law School Tuition Cost?

What does law school cost in Canada? Maclean’s magazine has the stats: Common Law Schools Tuition Canadian Students Tuition International McGill $2,068 /$5,668* $21,600 Moncton $4,920 $8,343 Dalhousie $7,883/$8,905* $16,426 Saskatchewan $8,070 $20,982 Victoria $8,341…

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The Law School Onion

The Onion has finally hit law school admissions: NEW YORK—A growing number of law schools have begun requiring applicants to specify in writing whether they do, in fact, have some desire to attend law school,…

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My LSAT Experience

With less than a month to go before the October LSAT administration (and little to do other than read course summaries and hunt for a year’s worth of gainful employment), I’ve decided to offer up…

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2010 Student Blawger of the Year

In light of our recent collaboration with The Court, we’ve decided to pick someone from outside the Law is Cool community this year for our annual recognition of the Student Blawger of the Year. This…