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Retro Is In

This post is a response to this article from the Telegraph about a French female lawyer ripping off another young woman’s burqa ( What a disappointment!  And what an insult – putting forward this law…

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LOTR on Queen’s Pro Bono Radio

This was inspired by’s previous post about LOTR as property law.  We tried to break down different methods of possession and discussed who we thought was the true lord of the ring. Speakers are…

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International Intervention in Libya

By David Olevson and Ekaterina Perchenok With the conflict in Libya and throughout the Middle East escalating every day, we must keep conscious of the inherent bias of our news outlets. While our hearts go…

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Facebook ‘Friend Poaching’

When was the last time you sent a friend request on Facebook? When was the last time you got sued for it? Complexions v Complexions Day Spa & Facebook, is, according to Santa Clara Internet Law…

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The Virtual Lawyer

So, you’ve slogged your way through law school and you survived the Bar exam. And, perhaps only now you’re realizing even the 75th percentile doesn’t add up to an office, much less a corner office,…

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Agenda: Access to Justice

Justice Gloria Epstein, Dean Lorne Sossin, Matt Cohen, Judith McCormick, and OBA President Lee Akazaki on The Agenda with Steve Paikin:

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$650,000 lap dance

A man has has accepted a substantial settlement for his injuries after he ventured too close to a stripper’s spiked heel during a lap dance. Michael Ireland claimed the stripper’s heel punctured his eye socket…

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Law is Cool wins Blawg Review of the Year

Blawg Review is an international peer-reviewed blog carnival, presenting various recent blog posts with a legal connection, traveling to different legal blogs every week. I had the pleasure of hosting Blawg Review 249 on Slaw,…