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Ontario Human Rights Review

The Ontario Human Rights Review is currently underway. You can attend one of the consultation meetings below, or send written submissions by March 1 to   Windsor – February 13, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00…

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Occupy Ties to former Bay Street Lawyer

The Occupy movement comes from all aspects of Canadian society, including those with close family ties to the wealthy elite.  Jennifer Yang of the Toronto Star provides this backgrounder on Antonin Yvon Mongeau, He chose…

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Should Representative Plaintiffs Receive More?

A.  INTRODUCTION Under the Ontario Class Proceedings Act, 1992 (“CPA”) [1], the Representative Plaintiff (“RP”) is a member of the class that in most instances commits to a bigger responsibility than all other class members. …

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What, What, In the Butt?

Yes, this video is actually being litigated on copyright infringement grounds. Summary from Electronic Frontier Foundation, South Park aired the “What What” parody in a 2008 episode critiquing the popularity of absurd online videos. Two…