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Law is Stupid Too

So, you have a beef with that recent law passed in the House of Commons, or just don’t get the Tax Act? Well, here’s a bunch of Canadian laws that put those to shame. We…

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Real Blood Diamonds

After a 6-month delay, the trial of former President, Charles Taylor, has resumed in The Hague. A descendant of African-American slaves that migrated to Liberia and educated in the U.S., Taylor is accused of trading…

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Trials of Law School

LawIsCool will be setting up viewings of the The Trials of Law School at select universities across Canada over the next few months. Contact the admin to see how you can set up a viewing…

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Maybe they Wannabe Cool Too

The administrator of this site informed us today that, based on posting patterns, content, and [lack of] use of validated accounts, he has reason to believe that someone is impersonating this site. He has theories…

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Technical Difficulties

We are experiencing some technical difficulties on the site.  If you are having any problems, please contact us at admin [at] law is cool [dot] com.