Partners Without Borders
McCarthy Tétrault announced recently that they are the first firm to join Partners Without Borders with Avocats Sans Frontieres in Quebec. The organization was founded in 1992 in Belgium, and founded the Quebec chapter in…
Statute Citator on LexisNexis Canada
LexisNexis has a new feature, QuickCITE™, which will help interpreting statutes. See the announcement here.  Thanks to Steve Matthews for the heads up.
Parole Denied for Homolka Pen-Pal
Jean-Paul Gerbet, a convicted killer, exchanged steamy letters and claimed to have exchanged underwear with Karla Homolka. (sounds like a tabloid). The parole board denied his request, his first. Full story here. (Thanks to Darryl…
NPR forecasts $100 million in Podcast Ads
AdvertisingAge reported today, Although it’s been ad-supported for a little over two years, podcasting only recently has built an audience with enough scale in key categories…And the medium’s top two content providers, ESPN and National…
A Graphic Depiction of Law and Justice
Circle = Justice; law be understood and exercised under its order Square = Law, limited by the circle Triangle = How law is implemented to exercise Justice The author explains, The figures are placed in…
Chimps Decry Discrimination
Chimpanzees in Austria are citing discrimination. The OG’s, or Oberster Gerichtshof (Supreme Court there), recently ruled that chimps are not people. Spokesperson for the chip activists, Georgie, stated through sign language, This is absurd. We…
CCTV and Crime
The U.K. is renowned for it’s use of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), which they claim helps reduce crime. But CCTV might be coming to Canada. The Chief of Police in Ottawa, Vern White, said at…
Court rules US not “Safe Country”
The Safe Third Country Agreement was struck down yesterday in Federal Court. The U.S. was the only country under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act designated as a safe country. The agreement stated that a…
Even God doesn’t think he’s a lawyer.
An oldie but goodie: What’s the difference between a lawyer and God? God doesn’t think he’s a lawyer. And a follow-up by Eduardo J. Couture (1904-1956), who taught law at University of Montevideo in Uruguay…
Case Study: CIC v. Maclean’s
Please note we are not posting new commentary here. We get literally thousands of visitors looking for information on the Maclean’s Human Rights Tribunal case coming to this site. This site is not affiliated with…
Healthy Canadian Refugee Law
Sarah Boyd of UofT Law raises some interesting issues with the Laibar Singh case on Thinking Out Loud. Singh is a 48-year man from India who entered Canada on a forged passport in 2003. But…