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An Adventure in Litigation Mitigation

It’s not the Titanic, but the when the MV Explorer sank in Nov. 2007 in Antarctic Sea, some important legal lessons in crisis communications emerged. The passengers were saved in lifeboats, but the company that…

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Track Police Officers from Your Home

From the Njection website: Njection Hits Final Hurdle to Provide Real Time Tracking of Police Officers. Final hurdle gives the OK to to allow for the installation of GPS trackers in police vehicles nationwide….

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2008 Student Blawger of the Year

We’re pleased to announce the 2008 Student Blawger of the Year. The LawIsCool team selects an individual who has made a unique contribution for the past academic year worthy of recognition. This year’s award goes…

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Rape by Wombat a Frivolous Complaint

More animal stories in the law. A New Zealand man who claimed he was raped by a wombat and that the experience left him speaking with an Australian accent has been found guilty of wasting…

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Writing for the Media

Communications staff in firms often scratch their heads on how to get coverage. Well, some people are willing to make it a little easier for you. Jordan Furlong, editor-in-chief at the CBA’s National magazine, gives…

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From Blog to Blawg

The Legal Underground provides 14 tips for developing your legal blog (blawg): 1. Pick a Topic. 2. Keep it Interesting. 3. Brand Your Blawg. 4. Be Prepared to Learn. 5. Link Early, Link Often. 6….