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Got Summaries?

Exam time treat. Here are some resources our team has collected: Manitoba Law Students Association McGill Osgoode Hall (Legal and Literary Society) UBC (UBC Law Society) UofM (Courtesy Ed Chan) University of Ottawa (Common Law…

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Scientific Ecumentalism

Chris Blattman, an Assistant Professor of Political Science & Economics at Yale University, and a Visiting Fellow at the Center for Global Development, has an interesting post on some of his recent work in West…

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Osgoode Launches Online Journal

Free online law journals is something we all want in the blawgosphere. Well, Osgoode Hall is delivering with its new Osgoode Hall Review of Law and Policy. As a Canadian student-edited publication with student articles,…

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Not Cool to Segregate Gay Dead

That’s what a cemetary in Copenhagen is proposing. They’ve set aside a specific area of the cemetary for gay people, based on requests of a gay advocacy group called Regnbuen (Rainbow). Matt Guerrin disagrees. Read…

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UofM Videos

A late addition (uploaded recently), but better late than never. Coffee House 2008 – Robson High It’s true, law school is like freakin’ high school,  You have these extremely highly intelligent people who revert to…