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Lawyer Accused of Dealing Drugs

Or, when a cross-examination goes nuts. Courtesy of ABA Journal, A Michigan defense lawyer’s cross-examination of an informant went awry yesterday when the witness became angry and said the lawyer questioning him had sold drugs….

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Get a Head Start in Law School

Here’s an interesting new service. LawPrepPro is offering a pre-law program in the Toronto area. I plan on checking it out and will report back.

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President of Pakistan Resigns

The NY Times reports, Facing imminent impeachment charges, President Pervez Musharraf announced his resignation on Monday, after months of belated recognition by American officials that he had become a waning asset in the campaign against…

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Win $2,500 from Privacy Commissioner for Essay

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada launched an essay competition for law students earlier this week. This essay competition is designed to encourage students in law schools and legal studies programs across Canada…

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“Judge Made Me Rub Her Feet”

Suspended Nevada state judge Elizabeth Halverson is facing fourteen counts of judicial misconduct. The allegations against Halverson include: the mishandling of trials, falling asleep on the bench, and mistreating her employees. This week testimony was…