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Dion Speaks in London

Here’s a few clips Stéphane Dion’s talk in London, Ontario last night. In the first clip he reaches out to minorities communities, expressing a vision of inclusion, and mentioning that Stephen Harper had accused him…

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Stop the Applications! No More LSATs…

The Univeristy of Michigan is launching their Wolverine Scholars Program for the 2009 intake, which allows applications from students with strong academic backgrounds to forego the LSAT test. UM undergraduates who have at least completed…

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Got More Summaries?

We’ve noticed a flurry of activity of people accessing our summaries collection. It probably has something to do with a new law school year starting, and we’re glad we can be of help.  But if…

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Law is Cool now on Twitter

You can now follow Law is Cool on Twitter. We’ll be setting up a few mirrors, groups, and profiles on other sites as well, so if you see us popping up everywhere don’t be surprised.

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Behind Every New Sign Is Someone Stupid

Law Firm | Austin, TX, USA (I work in the mail room of a large corporate law firm filled with Harvard grad attorneys.) Attorney: “I’m needing to send a fax and this machine has a…

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Middle Passage Law Series

Ainsley Brown will be doing a special series on the “middle passage law,” addressing specific areas of diversity in the law. Welcome to the middle passage law series. This series is an attempt – hopefully…

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Winners of Access Group Law Video Contest

The winners of the Access Group One Less Worry scholarship contest are out.  All of the contestants were in law school, and entries were opened to the public to select the winner. Steven Luther was…

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Motor Vehicle Lemon Laws in Canada

Every state in the U.S. has a lemon law that gives consumers redress when they find that they’ve purchased a defective car and the manufacturer can’t (or won’t) fix it. In addition, there are a…