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Classes Resume at the University of Windsor

A tentative agreement has been reached by the University of Windsor Faculty Association (WUFA) and the University of Windsor. The agreement must still be ratified by members of WUFA and approved by the Board of Governors. However, regular…

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Law is Cool Podcast – Episode #15

Is the current federal election illegal? That’s what Ottawa-based non-profit Democracy Watch is alleging in an Application for Judicial Review that it filed in the Federal Court of Canada. The allegation is that the Conservative…

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Federal Election Strategic Voting Tool

With the federal election just two weeks away, many are still scrambling to decide which name they should tick off on the ballot. A friend of mine turned me on to an interesting Google Maps…

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10 Types of People on Facebook

We covered the types of stalkers and the use of social networks for lawyers previously. But our readers claimed that Facebook was the best client development network for them. Cracked has a new article on…

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Which Lawyers Should Get an iPhone?

Jeff Richardson of Adams and Reese, LLP writes on the ABA Techshow, I don’t recommend an iPhone to all lawyers. Many don’t need a smart phone — just a simple flip phone will do. Others…

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Law is Cool – Podcast #14

A stir was created in the federal election when a group of progressive voters started a Facebook group to facilitate vote swapping. Elections Canada investigated the matter and concluded that vote swapping is legal, but…