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What’s in a Name?

Middle Passage Law Series “What’s in a name?” Answer: something, nothing or perhaps everything. The Middle Passage name was carefully chosen and is the everything of the series. A little confused, let me explain. YES,…

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Former Slave Wins Landmark Case

The government of Niger has been found guilty of failing to protect one of its citizens from slavery. Hadijatou Mani brought her case before the Court of Justice of the West African regional body Ecowas…

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Law is Cool Podcast – Episode #16

Alternative Lawyer Jobs On today’s show Omar Ha-Redeye interviews Stephen Fine, creator of Alternative Lawyer Jobs. They discussed how many law school graduates and practising lawyers are looking for careers that are slightly off the…

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SNAIL Offences Act

Thomas Wisdom and I were discussing the issue of Students Not Actually In Law (SNAILs), and how the phenomenon seems prevalent across different law schools. He mentioned a post on Slaw by Simon Fodden from…

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The Solution is Insite

With an unabating drug epidemic and the winds of political change in the air, interest is growing in the United States for a less punitive and more liberal war on drugs.  One battle in this…