2008 Law Firm Salary Guide (US)
There is no mass exodus of Canadian lawyers into the U.S., or even shortages as there have been at times for nurses. But some Canadian law students love the idea of working in the U.S….
There is no mass exodus of Canadian lawyers into the U.S., or even shortages as there have been at times for nurses. But some Canadian law students love the idea of working in the U.S….
A few months ago I was asking for some career advice from Jordan Furlong, of the CBA‘s National Magazine. My concerns over bait-and-switch tactics by law firms and the enormously high turnover in some had…
The horror stories of the hours of a working lawyer are infamous. But they can’t be that bad, because this lawyer had enough time to pick up a second legal job. Diane Way was gainfully…
Excerpt from “Woe unto you lawyers“, written in 1939 by the late Fred Rodell, Professor of Law, Yale University. It is the lawyers who run our civilization for us – our governments, our business, our…
We’ve all heard it from some of those more sharp-tongued friends of ours – all those single mothers are eroding our economy and stealing our taxes. The Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUC) is getting…
Last week I met with Toronto lawyer Garry Wise. Garry is one of the few Canadian practitioners that has made a prominent impression in the legal blawgosphere. Garry’s blawg was one of the other recipients…
Tracy Tyler has a story in today’s Star which notes that although women are the majority of graduates today in law schools, on average they are quitting the profession within seven years. The Law Society…
 We previously mentioned some of the articling reforms under consideration in Ontario. The Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUC) is holding a townhall meeting on the articling requirements of the licensing process. Details below.
Honourable Associate Chief Judge Murray Sinclair speaks about his personal challenges while working in the criminal justice system.
The largest Canadian Constitutional class-action suit in currently under scrutiny. Background Following M. v. H (1999), the Canada Pension Plan (1985) (CPP) was amended in 2000 to include survivor benefits for same-sex couples to comply…
Although we’ve discussed briefly boundaries that bloggers often cross, in addition to libel and slander, lawyers are not immune from offensive behaviour either. ABC Nightline covered a story of a 24 year-old Boston lawyer who…
Starting out our legal career many students wonder what areas of law will experience the greatest growth, because demand often translates into stable work. We asked some of our contacts what they thought, and this…