Immigration Law

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Canada Needs More Immigrants

Canada needs to triple it’s population to 100 million, according to Irvin Studin in Global Brief, At 34 million people, Canada today finds itself living the latter two realities. Canadians largely fancy themselves citizens either…

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Canadians, beware of Arizona Senate Bill 1070

How far can a government go to fight illegal migration? One government is flying right into uncharted  territory if we are to judge by public reaction and media commentary. Arizona’s legislature is considering a bill…

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IRB Under Review

Nicholas Keung of the Toronto Star says, The issue of state protection has become more contentious following a string of recent federal court challenges – involving refugee claimants from Turkey, Kenya, Mexico, St. Vincent and,…

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Live-in caregivers

Nanny wins landmark suit after Star investigation A foreign caregiver brought to Canada with a job offer from a “ghost employer” has been awarded $10,000 in damages in what is believed to be the first…

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Uttering threats

Disclaimer: The text below contains only my understanding of the applicable law. It has nothing whatsoever to do with your particular situation. Do not assume you can make any decisions based on this text. I…

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The new underclass

Who haven’t heard of immigration queue jumpers? The current federal government used this term when it shut down visa-free travel from the Czech Republic and Mexico. Federal officials blamed queue jumping refugee claimants. But if someone…

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Immigration exploitation

‘Guest worker’ abuses blasted Lack of oversight by the federal government has allowed foreign workers to be abused by their employers, Auditor General Sheila Fraser says in a scathing report on Canada’s immigration program. Fraser…