Legal Fools Abound
It’s not unknown for bloggers to take opportunity of April 1 to do something humorous, and this year is no exception. Mashable provides their list of the best April’s Fools day pranks. You might need…
It’s not unknown for bloggers to take opportunity of April 1 to do something humorous, and this year is no exception. Mashable provides their list of the best April’s Fools day pranks. You might need…
From Queen’s Law:
When the University of Ottawa Campus Conservatives invited U.S. political pundit, Ann Coulter, to speak, they had to know she would attract attention. Coulter has always been outspokenly controversial with her political positions. But it’s…
Here’s an interesting Facebook group that’s popped up: How to Date a 1L: First Year Required Companion Class. For anyone who has been there, you know how bang-on this is. From their wall: Fidelity: •…
The Times Colonist reports that BC’s Ministry of the Attorney-General is launching an action against a former University of Victoria Law student to recover $20,000 in student-aid debt. The student, one Kent Daniel Glowinski, is…
Law students should seriously contemplate their alternatives if ever approached to act as a student prop for the Prime Minister. Not only was the reaction time disappointing, but the lack of empathy and concern expressed…
It’s kind of like kiddie soccer.
As a sequel to Law is Stupid Too, we present 17 ridiculous laws still on the book, via Huffington Post: In Missouri, It is Illegal To Drive With An Uncaged Bear (Caged Bears Are OK)…