I Dream of Suing Genie
We’ve seen both God and Sa Tan as litigants before the courts in the past year. Well the absurdity continues with a new suit out of Saudi Arabia against a jinn, commonly known in the…
We’ve seen both God and Sa Tan as litigants before the courts in the past year. Well the absurdity continues with a new suit out of Saudi Arabia against a jinn, commonly known in the…
When the king (of pop or otherwise) dies, all the courtiers usually start scheming on how to get pieces of his estate. Brian Oxman, the family’s lawyer, said, We will have to see how that…
The Law of Common Sense: Never accept a drink from a urologist.
Apparently these are real questions posed by foreigners preparing for the Vancouver Winter Olympics. Q. I have never seen it warm on Canadian TV, so how do the plants grow? (UK) A. We import all…
Gummidge’s Law: The amount of expertise varies in inverse proportion to the number of statements understood by the general public.
Cheop’s Law: Nothing ever gets built on schedule or within budget.
Juhani’s Law: The compromise will always be more expensive than either of the suggestions it is compromising.
British Columbians are going to the polls today. The Vancouver race is shaping up to be, it must be said, particularly stimulating. The Sex Party — the party of “politics for a sex-positive future” —…
First Law of Debate: Never argue with a fool – people might forget who’s who.
This video, purportedly taken during a roadside sobriety check in Russia (though I’ve listened to it many times and can’t be definitively certain about the language), demonstrates what happens when an Alcotest has truly met…
Westheimer’s Rule: To estimate the time it takes to do a task, estimate the time you think it should take, multiply by two, and change the unit of measure to the next highest unit. Thus,…