Diversity in Law

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Is the Past Dead?

Part of the Middle Passage Law Series ‘It’s always about slavery. It happened sooooo long ago, why not just get over it’ or ‘I am over it?’ Get over it, you say, get over it….

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What’s in a Name?

Middle Passage Law Series “What’s in a name?” Answer: something, nothing or perhaps everything. The Middle Passage name was carefully chosen and is the everything of the series. A little confused, let me explain. YES,…

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Middle Passage Law Series

Ainsley Brown will be doing a special series on the “middle passage law,” addressing specific areas of diversity in the law. Welcome to the middle passage law series. This series is an attempt – hopefully…

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Osgoode Francophone Society

Osgoode Hall Law School has had its own Francophone Society since January. We started with a tiny weekly conversation club last year even before officially registering with Legal and Lit. About ten or fifteen French language…