Articles by Contributor

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Back on dry land, a country is drowning

Ahmed Hussen, The Ottawa Citizen Reproduced with the permission of the author Foreign navies are not likely to be able to completely eradicate pirate attacks off the coast of Somalia — such as the audacious…

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A Miller Update

An update from a previous post. John  Miller, a journalism professor, has a new reply for Mark Steyn.  He challenges his characterization of quotes (a mistranslation of a mistranslation of an unverified quote), and asks…

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Classes Resume at Osgoode Hall

Today York University’s Executive Committee of Senate approved the Remediation Plan put forth by Dean Monahan which will permit Osgoode Hall to resume classes on December 1 for all LL.B courses not instructed by members…

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Can Speed Reading Get You Through Law School?

As every law student knows (except maybe Dany), there’s a lot of reading in law school. wikiHow has an entry on speed reading that might be useful.  They start off with these tips: Have your…

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John Miller’s Open Letter to Mark Steyn

John  Miller, a journalism professor at Ryerson University, posted a series of open letters on the Maclean’s controversy.  His most recent one, Open letter to Steyn, documents plagiarism and gross errors of fact. See also…

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7 Ways To Lose An Argument Before It’s Started

Jonathan Fields provides 7 things you don’t want to do if you want to win an argument.  For most advocates, that’s usually an important thing: Don’t Attack Don’t fail to acknowledge and validate another person’s…