Got More Summaries?
We’ve noticed a flurry of activity of people accessing our summaries collection. It probably has something to do with a new law school year starting, and we’re glad we can be of help. But if…
We’ve noticed a flurry of activity of people accessing our summaries collection. It probably has something to do with a new law school year starting, and we’re glad we can be of help. But if…
You can now follow Law is Cool on Twitter. We’ll be setting up a few mirrors, groups, and profiles on other sites as well, so if you see us popping up everywhere don’t be surprised.
Law Firm | Austin, TX, USA (I work in the mail room of a large corporate law firm filled with Harvard grad attorneys.) Attorney: “I’m needing to send a fax and this machine has a…
The winners of the Access Group One Less Worry scholarship contest are out. All of the contestants were in law school, and entries were opened to the public to select the winner. Steven Luther was…
Every state in the U.S. has a lemon law that gives consumers redress when they find that they’ve purchased a defective car and the manufacturer can’t (or won’t) fix it. In addition, there are a…
Six Greenpeace activists were cleared of charges today for intentionally damaging a coal plant in the U.K. The Independent reports, The threat of global warming is so great that campaigners were justified in causing more…
Christina Spencer of the Winnipeg Sun reports, If Prime Minister Stephen Harper forces a federal election in the coming days, a law professor at the University of Ottawa may go to court to challenge the…
With the move of Omar Ha-Redeye to Slaw earlier this month, admin responsiblities have been shifted to others on the team. Devin Johnston, a new recruit to our site who is entering his second year…
Martha Neil of the ABA Journal claims problems in the economy are affecting law firms. Law firms saw average profit per equity partner drop some 9 percent in the first half of 2008, [Dan DiPietro]…
Or, when a cross-examination goes nuts. Courtesy of ABA Journal, A Michigan defense lawyer’s cross-examination of an informant went awry yesterday when the witness became angry and said the lawyer questioning him had sold drugs….
Tim Naumetz of The Star reports, “This use of legal action to silence the opposition is characteristic of authoritarian governments,” Russell says in an expert opinion obtained by Toronto lawyer Chris Paliare, representing the Liberals….