Articles by Law is Cool

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Ontario Passes Poverty Law

Apparently some Canadian legislatures do think that there are some economic rights worth fighting for. The Toronto Star reports: Fighting poverty is now the law in Ontario. In a unanimous vote yesterday, Queen’s Park passed…

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Westheimer’s Rule

Westheimer’s Rule: To estimate the time it takes to do a task, estimate the time you think it should take, multiply by two, and change the unit of measure to the next highest unit. Thus,…

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New IP Writing Award

The Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC) and IP Osgoode are delighted to announce a new Canadian writing challenge in intellectual property law.  Submissions may be in French or in English. To help advance such…

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Don’t Tell Mom …

After many years of hard work, Joe rewarded himself with a long, luxurious stay at an exclusive Carribean resort. While relaxing on the beach, he was surprised to see a former high school classmate who…

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Top Tax Deductions

It’s tax time in Canada. Here are the top tax deductions, picked by Peter Blank, Editor of The Kiplinger Tax Letter: 1.Pet food 2.Moving the family pet 3.A trip to Bermuda 4.Body oil 5.A private…