Articles by Law is Cool

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The Lawyers Weekly Profiles Law is Cool Founder

The Lawyers Weekly, Canada’s first print news publication for legal professionals, has profiled Omar Ha-Redeye, founder of this site. You can read the profile by Christopher Guly on the website here, Ha-Redeye established the Western…

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2010 Student Blawger of the Year

In light of our recent collaboration with The Court, we’ve decided to pick someone from outside the Law is Cool community this year for our annual recognition of the Student Blawger of the Year. This…

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The long road to call to the Ontario Bar

Guest post by Linelle S. Mogado, Esq. Welcome to the beginning of your law career in Canada!  I am pleased to provide you with this guide to the process I went through to obtain my…

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G20 Declaration

THE G-20 TORONTO SUMMIT DECLARATION June 26 – 27, 2010 Preamble 1. In Toronto, we held our first Summit of the G-20 in its new capacity as the premier forum for our international economic co-operation….

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Guest Post: The Lawyer Philanthropist

Is law school a good way to wait out the recession? Is it still a financially viable career? Idealism may come to the fore for many people. For the altruistic individual, a career in law…