The fight begins
Ottawa mum in Kenya case Len Edwards, the deputy minister of foreign affairs, insisted yesterday that standing up for the rights of citizens abroad was “a rule” and “a work ethic” within the department.
Ottawa mum in Kenya case Len Edwards, the deputy minister of foreign affairs, insisted yesterday that standing up for the rights of citizens abroad was “a rule” and “a work ethic” within the department.
Six years in legal labyrinth Charkaoui, however, is the legal star of the five. He’s won two Supreme Court challenges and, as he gradually demolished Ottawa’s case against him, managed to make the government look…
Ombudsman slams Ont. government for not keeping closer eye on colleges Ontario’s ombudsman slammed the provincial government Tuesday for failing to keep closer tabs on publicly funded colleges in a report that found a northern…
Ottawa to launch Supreme Court appeal of Khadr ruling The federal government will go to the Supreme Court of Canada to appeal a court order to bring Omar Khadr home from a U.S. military prison,…
Don’t mess around with the insulation in your house. It may be Zonolite. It’s made from minerals naturally laced with asbestos, the deadliest type of asbestos known as Tremolite. It costs money to remove it….
Your password is a gun. It can’t shoot but at least the government treats it like a gun. In the UK, they made it a crime to refuse to give up your password to the…
Liberal blogger Jeff Jedras (A BCer in Toronto) alerted me to Winnipeg Free Press article about the Conservatives’ latest plan to eliminate public financing of federal political parties. While both the article and Jeff’s reaction…
Family can’t keep ailing mother in Canada “She’s old, she can’t see … Who will look after her in Poland? All the family is here,” Pindiur said in halting English. “Can you help her stay…
Stop! Runaway! Hide! Alas, students who enter law school later in life tend to be an intrepid lot. They need to be. Law school is tough on everyone but more so on mature students who…
Rights commission targets `blatant discrimination’ in rental-housing market There’s obvious discrimination in rental housing, says the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s annual report released yesterday, identifying the problem as a key area that needs immediate intervention.
2nd Canadian stranded in Kenya? The network says when she tried to bring Mohammed back to Canada through Kenya three years ago, she was told the person with her was not her son because he…
(Part 1) So anyone demanding the election of judges should understand this: there is a conflict between accountability and impartiality. It’s often hard to get the judges both to be independent and to answer to…