June 2009

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Police and the Internet

The government introduced two bills in the House on Thursday that raised some serious allegations in the media this week. The bills concern, among other things, police access to data collected by Canadian internet service…

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Who is to blame?

What is it about criminal cases that attracts so much attention of the public? Is it their thou-shall-not nature that many people associate with law in general? Or is it our fear of crime and…

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The law of apology

Letterman apologizes to Palin, Raitt to cancer-affected people, Baird to Toronto. It seems sorry doesn’t seem to be the hardest word lately. Just search Google News for “sorry“, “apologizes“, or “regrets.” But what are the…

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More on Abdelrazik

I wrote previously that this Friday would be a turning point in the Abdelrazik case. His lawyers agree and predict contempt of court charges for the government if it fails to act. Another possibility is…

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Law is Cool – Internationally

Here are some of the newest additions to our team. Daisy McCabe-Lokos is entering her second year at Windsor, and has a strong interest in international law. Amelio Thé is in his 6th term (3rd…