Social Media in Canadian Politics, and Defamation and Copyright (Episode 19)

Omar Ha-Redeye gave a talk on the use of social media in politics, focusing on the Canadian scene, at the Miles S. Nadal Management Centre in the Ernst & Young Tower of the Toronto Dominion Centre.

Issues of copyright, including the use of YouTube, are discussed, as well as social media alternatives to defamation actions.

1 Comment on "Social Media in Canadian Politics, and Defamation and Copyright (Episode 19)"

  1. This was very interesting and helpful for those of us who are still learning this stuff. Unfortunately, I couldn’t hear what the questions were (from the back), but your answers filled in the blanks. It’s certainly going to be a challenge integrating social media into a legal practice (assuming that’s what you intend to do). I’m going to try a light version of social media engagement in my own practice.

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