CBA Tips for Exams

The Canadian Bar Association (CBA) shared in their September edition of Addendum some sites with tips for exam preparation.

Though most schools have concluded their first semester exams by this point, many are re-evaluating the strategies used for the coming year.

Here are the sites:

  1. York University Counselling and Development Centre
    Some general tips on exam prep.
  2. The Cook Counseling Center at Virginia Tech
    Study skills site includes online skills workshops.
  3. The University of Guelph’s Learning Commons
    Advice on study prep and comprehensive links.
  4. Resources for First-Year Law Students
    University of Calgary Prof. Jonnette Watson Hamilton’s guide for law students.
  5. The University of Manitoba’s Learning Assistance Centre
    A list of general tips for exam and test prep.

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This site is intended to provide a resource for those interested in law. Current law students, graduates preparing for their bar exam, and members of the general public, can all benefit from a deeper understanding of the legal framework that helps shape our society.