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Antonin Pribetic speaks with Jeannie Owens-Wallace about online defamation, his practice generally, and about the democratization of the law.

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Justice Harvey Brownstone speaks with Jeannie Owens-Wallace over the phone regarding his role in democratizing the law. Part 2 to follow.

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Why Choose Ivey

Every beginning is a consequence – every beginning ends some thin. ~ Paul Valery I kid you not; it is 2:52am according to my computer. I just got home from one of those nights that…

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Recession and Altruism

With American law firms shedding lawyers by the hour, things sound all doom and gloom down there. But CNN has picked up on a positive side effect of the firm layoffs: it’s an unprecedented opportunity…

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Less Popular Judicial ‘esque’s

In Czech novelist Franz Kafka’s The Trial, a man is arrested, forced to participate in a nightmarish, labyrinthine legal system administered by bureaucrats, presumed guilty, and executed without ever learning the nature of the charges…