Marketing/PR in Law

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Want Some Free Legal Advice?

It’s something many lawyers complain about – being ambushed by friends and family with legal problems and expecting an instant answer.  Blogging lawyers also face this dilemma from their general readership. Both are likely to…

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Get Over the Paranoia

Thesis:  Command-and-control management styles both derive from and reinforce bureaucracy, power tripping and an overall culture of paranoia. If there is an industry characterized by paranoia, it’s law.  We just call it due diligence, and…

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Ontario Ombudsman

The office of Ontario Ombudsman is on Twitter and Facebook. The Ombudsman is a pretty unique independent oversight officer accountable directly to the provincial legislature. He investigates people’s complaints under the authority granted by the…

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My Brand (As a Joint Student)

Cross-posted from the Financial Post When I was an undergrad, Western law had the reputation for being the “business” law school. Indeed, Western makes an effort to distinguish itself through this brand; in fact, one…