Legal Reform

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IRB Under Review

Nicholas Keung of the Toronto Star says, The issue of state protection has become more contentious following a string of recent federal court challenges – involving refugee claimants from Turkey, Kenya, Mexico, St. Vincent and,…

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How lawyers think

We as a society know too little about lawyers. We believe some myths about lawyers (for example, that they are rich), but we know little truth about them. It’s pretty strange given the two critical…

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17 Ridiculous American Laws

As a sequel to Law is Stupid Too, we present 17 ridiculous laws still on the book, via Huffington Post: In Missouri, It is Illegal To Drive With An Uncaged Bear (Caged Bears Are OK)…

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Parliament Set to Fight over Crime

Before Stephen Harper prorogued Parliament, before he made sure to be televised hobnobbing with athletes at every possible turn at the Olympics, he had filled the Lower House with a slate of crime bills, which…