Dear Me, Don’t Go to Law School

Courtesy of University of Calgary.

1 Comment on "Dear Me, Don’t Go to Law School"

  1. How in the hell does this video make any sense?

    Let me get this straight– The CEO who runs a organization who fights skin cancer by raising awareness has chosen to produce, get copyrights for, and permissions as well as promote basicly a personal youtube clip on the internet just to create a funny not-to-be-taken-seriously message explaining that law school is a bunch of people talking, and taking little action– which if I say so myself would not be taken any note of it unless they had an IQ above 120. And they did all this just so they can post a small message on the back that references us to who made the clip?

    I have no idea what kind of weird joke this is, but I don’t understand it one bit!


    Thoughts from when I’m high –

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