The breaking news about what was obvious for such a long time: a 31-year old Canadian woman is exiled in Kenya by our government.
Bring Suaad back home.
The breaking news about what was obvious for such a long time: a 31-year old Canadian woman is exiled in Kenya by our government.
Bring Suaad back home.
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I’m sure someone will assume this was about racism or islamophobia, however, if you look at the woman’s face on TV and compare it to her Passport photo….it is clear that the photo is horribly out of focus, and in combination with her hijab it does not look even an IOTA of what the women looks like in person.
Forget islamophobia and racism…..go after the useless fool who took that photo or allowed it to be used in a Canadian Passport.
“horribly out of focus”
“does not look even an IOTA of what the women looks like in person”
This is a photograph of a TV screen showing a faxed photocopy.
Then you agree we should see what the beaurocrats were basing their judgement on BEFORE we start yelling racism or Islamophobia.
The Toronto Star has already come out and basically accused the Government of being White Supremicists….saying the fact that the person in question wasn’t white is the reason she was stranded.
I suspect however, that the picture in the Passport (no smile, face partially hidden by hijab) does NOT look like the attractive woman we’ve seen on our TV’s. Thankfully we’ve sorted it out and she can come home.
Last time I checked, none of us smile in our passport photos. Anyone who suggests that DNA tests are regular procedure is obviously mistaken.
Here are some other photos and identification that Suaad provided, in addition to her fingerprints:

I used the very simple facial recognition software on Google Picasa with her current photos and the program was readily able to pick her face out.
Despite any of this, Passport Canada states on their site that it is not mandatory (only recommended) to get a new passport if your appearance has changed.
Besides, we don’t need this case to demonstrate racism with the current Minister of Immigration.
She was obviously allowed to leave the country using her passport. There was obviously a huge paper trail indicating her whereabouts. Don’t you think the government could have verified her identify while being back home; especially since none of this was a result of her wrongdoing or carelessness?
That is why racist allegations are being put forth. And personally, I do not see a huge difference from the picture and her current appearance.
Omar, if only the CBC or CTV were as thorough. Seeing the pictures you have provided as compared to the pictures shown on TV, it is clear, particularly in the top photo, that she is who she claims to be. I wouldn’t yet demand any heads to roll, however, after reading a few more stories about this episode, it appears that refusal to pay a bribe was the main reason for her detention.
Someone has to answer for her ordeal, but hopefully to stop it from happening again as opposed to enriching an immigration lawyer who sees the chance to earn some fat fees from the backs of taxpayers.
Thanks for the pics…..very helpful.