I Dream of Suing Genie

We’ve seen both God and Sa Tan as litigants before the courts in the past year.

Well the absurdity continues with a new suit out of Saudi Arabia against a jinn, commonly known in the Western world as a “genie” of sorts.

The offending party allegedly harassed the plaintiffs with threatening voice mails, theft of cellular phones, and throwing rocks at windows.

What does make this case unique is that the entire family is behind the suit – perhaps a case of mass hysteria.

No word yet on whether the genie has filed a statement of defence.

4 Comments on "I Dream of Suing Genie"

  1. John Magyar | July 15, 2009 at 9:25 am |

    If the jinn loses is suppose he/she (it?) can appeal on grounds that the court’s jurisdiction does not extend to the spiritual realm.

  2. There are reality-challenged individuals residing in every country.

    The important question for us in the West is: what do the authorities in Saudi Arabia and Nigeria think of these cases?

  3. Marnie, I’m pretty sure they find it just as absurd.

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