Another delay in the Abdelrazik case

Toronto Star reports the federal government did not issue an emergency passport to Abousfian Abdelrazik. As a result, he missed his flight today.

Let me remind our readers that, on June 4, Justice Zinn of the Federal Court ordered the Canadian government to issue an emergency passport and arrange Abdelrazik’s return to Montreal. He gave the government 15 days to make “travel arrangements.” This deadline is a week from now, on Friday, June 19.

It is unclear whether the government will comply at the last minute or will appeal. It is unclear whether the government will argue that the deadline for “travel arrangements” does not apply to “issu[ing] the applicant an emergency passport.” It is unclear whether government lawyers will make submissions next Friday arguing for an extension or delay. It is unclear how long it will all drag on.

Sometimes even an order with a deadline is not an order with a deadline.

(Text of Justice Zinn’s decision [PDF] via Slaw.)