…And Now, Conservatives Budging on Khadr Too

In response to President Obama’s move yesterday, the Conservative government of Canada is finally reconsidering its position on Omar Khadr,  Canadian citizen being detained at Guantanamo Bay.

Canada remains the only industrialized nation to not advocate on behalf of its citizens at Guantanamo.

The Globe & Mail reports,

For the first time, the Conservative government is quietly budging from its vehement refusal to act on behalf of Canadian Guantanamo detainee Omar Khadr, with Defence Minister Peter MacKay saying the government is “reassessing” its position.

In one of his first major orders as U.S. President, Barack Obama called a time-out on the military commissions system, telling military prosecutors to request a 120-day “suspension” of the court cases – a request that Guantanamo judges granted. The suspension not only adds to the uncertainty surrounding Mr. Khadr’s future, but also puts more pressure on the government in Ottawa to change its long-held position that it will not act on the detained Canadian’s behalf while a legal process is continuing.