About the Author

Lawrence Gridin
Lawrence Gridin is currently a law student at the University of Western Ontario, graduating in the class of 2010. He completed his Bachelor of Science at the University of Toronto, majoring in Psychology and History. Lawrence volunteers at Western's Community Legal Services and has participated in the clinic's outreach program. His diverse interests include social justice, 20th century history, photography, boxing, and politics.

1 Comment on "The Hidden Dangers of Document Metadata"

  1. One rule to abide by when using any electronic record keeping is, “if it was there it probably still is.” Even erasing a hard drive doesn’t really erase data, it just makes it hard for amateurs to get at that data.

    Best practice is to print a copy of the document, scan it and send it out as a fresh electronic copy. The minimal amount of time this takes is well worth the assurance that there is no hidden data lurking in the file.

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