Law is Frugal

Most of the critique around law school center on the crushing debt students will incur.

A lawyer collegue of mine (they seem to abound) once warned me,

Live like a lawyer when you are a law student, and you will live like a student when you are a lawyer.

I’ve taken this advice under serious consideration, and tried to keep the expenses to the minimum.

Here‘s a site that has been an invaluable resource:

1 Comment on "Law is Frugal"

  1. Well said. I’m a young criminal lawyer, and I love my job. I would have done well to be frugal during law school. I was not frugal. Nor was I frugal for the first three years following law school. Finally I matured and lived a frugal life for the next three years. In August I will be debt-free. I am not complaining. However, it remains true that I would have made a lot less stress for myself, had I exercised frugality when most able to – as a STUDENT.

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