When the System Fails, Can Justice Prevail?

Four RCMP officers died in the tragic shootout in the Town of Mayerthorpe, Alberta, the greatest one-day loss in over 100 years.

On March 3, 2005, James Roszko retaliated to a property seizure for growing marijuana by firing on officers, killing Peter Schiemann, Anthony Gordon, Lionide Johnston, and Brock Myrol.

Tonight (Feb. 10, 2008), the CTV will air a full-length television movie on the incident.

The Toronto Star reports,

As the movie progresses, it becomes quite clear that it’s an indictment of the justice system and how it treats dangerous, repeat criminals. It makes the Crown prosecutors and judges look helpless, even incompetent. But the film, a docu-drama (airing tonight at 9) about what many have called the “darkest day” in RCMP history – when four of its young officers were murdered in a tiny Alberta town after which the film is named – says virtually nothing about the failings of the RCMP itself.

Some of the critiques issued include why Roszko, a known pedophile, remained free at the time, despite 40 charges existing against him. But others have also asked why young and inexperienced officers were sent to discharge the task.


The Fifth Estate also has a documentary that can be viewed here.

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