NPR forecasts $100 million in Podcast Ads

AdvertisingAge reported today,

Although it’s been ad-supported for a little over two years, podcasting only recently has built an audience with enough scale in key categories…And the medium’s top two content providers, ESPN and National Public Radio, do the majority of their business by bringing in national advertisers to support their top-rated shows.

NPR… has been able to grow its total ad revenue from $18 million in 2002 to $46 million in 2007.

Donna Papacosta of Trafcom News said,

My advice: Before you worry about money, start with excellent content in your podcast. And, as my friend Christopher Penn of the Financial Aid Podcast said to me on Twitter last week, you have to be persistent in promoting your podcast too.

Well here’s our plug, yet again, for our slowly developing podcast series. We may not have as regular episodes, but we do have a large audience who listens in when we do post.

Law firms are realizing the utility in this as well. Some of the Canadian law related podcasts out there include:

The last one is done by Hull & Hull, an estate litigation and ADR firm. We will be speaking with Ian Hull in our next episode of LawIsCool on how he has used the technology in his firm (yes, another plug).

(Thanks to Donna Papacosta for the heads up on the AdvertisingAge article.)

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Law is Cool
This site is intended to provide a resource for those interested in law. Current law students, graduates preparing for their bar exam, and members of the general public, can all benefit from a deeper understanding of the legal framework that helps shape our society.

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